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Board of Health Agenda 4-13-10

Notice of Meeting

You are hereby notified that the Salem Board of Health will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM at
City Hall Annex, 120 Washington St. Room 311,


  • Call to order
  • Approval of Minutes from March 9, 2010
  • Chairperson Announcements
  • Public Health Announcements/Reports/Updates
a.   Health Agent
  • Public Health Nurse
  • Administrative
  • Councillor  Liaison
  • Variance request from Nikki Leitao on micro-pigmentation regulations
  • Projects waiting for comments from the Board
A. Project Type – Site Plan Review
   Applicant: ~High Rock Bridge Street, LLC (Senior Center development)
   Project Name & Address:~ 401 Bridge Street & 44 Boston Street
   Contact Person:~ Attorney Joseph Correnti 978-744-0212

B. Project waiting for comments from the Board
   Project Type – Site Plan Review
   Applicant: ~Kennedy Development Group, Inc. (Lowe’s/Wal-Mart development)
   Project Name & Address:~ 460, 462, 440, & 488 Highland Avenue (map 3 lots 1, 2, 3, & 4)
   Contact Person:~ Attorney Joseph Correnti 978-744-0212

  • Miscellaneous
  • *  Adjournment
Next regularly scheduled meeting is May 11, 2010 at 7pm at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington St, Room 311

David Greenbaum
Acting Health Agent
                  cc.  Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, Board of Health, City Councilors